Public Administration And Social Service Professions

This has all the subfields within “Public Administration And Social Service Professions”. This field is for “Instructional programs that prepare individuals to analyze, manage, and deliver public programs and services.”

Clicking on a degree name within a table will link to a page for that degree and field combination.

Human Services, General

A program that focuses on the general study and provision of human and social services to individuals and communities and prepares individuals to work in public and private human services agencies and organizations. Includes instruction in the social sciences, psychology, principles of social service, human services policy, planning and evaluation, social services law and administration, and applications to particular issues, services, localities, and populations.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Associates 257 3740
Bachelors 201 5773
Certificate 192 965
Doctorate 5 97
Masters 56 872

Community Organization and Advocacy

A program that focuses on the theories, principles, and practice of organizing and providing services to communities. May prepare individuals to apply such knowledge and skills in community service positions.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Associates 25 259
Bachelors 64 1526
Certificate 69 235
Doctorate 7 32
Masters 36 466

Public Administration

A program that prepares individuals to serve as managers in the executive arm of local, state, and federal government and that focuses on the systematic study of executive organization and management. Includes instruction in the roles, development, and principles of public administration; the management of public policy; executive-legislative relations; public budgetary processes and financial management; administrative law; public personnel management; professional ethics; and research methods.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Associates 24 73
Bachelors 165 2281
Certificate 177 1021
Doctorate 47 329
Masters 379 11945

Public Works Management

A program of study that focuses on public works management skills and public works operation. Includes instruction in accountability, budget, conflict resolution strategies, ethics, finance, human resources, labor and employee relations, and operations management.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Certificate 1 16

Transportation and Infrastructure Planning/Studies

A program that focuses on the economic, social, spatial, and environmental aspects of transportation and infrastructure planning. Includes instruction in economics, environmental analysis, geographic information systems (GIS), logistics, risk analysis, transportation economics, transportation evaluation, transportation planning, transportation policy, and urban transportation planning.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Certificate 2 20
Masters 1 13

Public Administration, Other

Any program in public administration not listed above.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Certificate 2 41
Masters 1 6

Public Policy Analysis, General

A program that focuses on the systematic analysis of public policy issues and decision processes. Includes instruction in the role of economic and political factors in public decision-making and policy formulation, microeconomic analysis of policy issues, resource allocation and decision modeling, cost/benefit analysis, statistical methods, and applications to specific public policy topics.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Associates 2 2
Bachelors 97 1859
Certificate 61 482
Doctorate 42 227
Masters 107 2935

Education Policy Analysis

A program that focuses on the systematic analysis of public policy issues related to education and educational systems at the local, state, national, and international levels. Includes instruction in social and cultural issues in education, contemporary educational policies, history of education, economics of education, international and comparative education, education and social change, educational research and evaluation methods, and applications to specific public policy topics.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Bachelors 2 0
Certificate 4 4
Doctorate 5 17
Masters 8 99

Health Policy Analysis

A program that focuses on the systematic analysis of public policy issues related to domestic and international health and health care systems. Includes instruction in contemporary health issues and policies, politics and economics of health care delivery, epidemiology, public health, comparative and global health, medical law and ethics, statistical methods, and applications to specific public policy topics.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Bachelors 12 119
Certificate 13 54
Doctorate 9 17
Masters 9 153

International Policy Analysis

A program that focuses on the systematic analysis of public policy issues related to relationships among nations and among governments and non-governmental entities. Includes instruction in international politics, governance, financial policy, and security affairs; globalization; economic and social policies of developing nations; and applications to specific public policy topics such as labor and employment, immigration, and human rights.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Bachelors 11 62
Certificate 11 20
Doctorate 1 5
Masters 9 104

Public Policy Analysis, Other

Any instructional program in public policy analysis not listed above.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Certificate 7 36
Doctorate 4 14
Masters 8 93

Social Work

A program that prepares individuals for the professional practice of social welfare administration and counseling, and that focus on the study of organized means of providing basic support services for vulnerable individuals and groups. Includes instruction in social welfare policy; case work planning; social counseling and intervention strategies; administrative procedures and regulations; and specific applications in areas such as child welfare and family services, probation, employment services, and disability counseling.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Associates 159 1882
Bachelors 603 19931
Certificate 106 993
Doctorate 97 926
Masters 340 34350

Youth Services/Administration

A program that prepares individuals to plan, manage, and implement social services for children, youth, and families. Includes instruction in child development and psychology, adolescence, family studies, social work, social services administration, juvenile and family law, program and facilities planning, youth leadership, counseling, probation, casework, applicable procedures and regulations, and professional standards and ethics.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Associates 1 0
Bachelors 11 184
Certificate 29 84
Masters 6 64

Forensic Social Work

A program that prepares individuals to serve as social workers in correctional facilities, mental health hospitals, the justice system, substance abuse treatment programs, and victim assistance. Includes instruction in forensic social work, criminal justice administration, domestic violence, ethics, juvenile justice systems, mental illness and crime, program evaluation, and research methods.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Associates 1 6
Certificate 1 0

Social Work, Other

Any program providing instruction in social work and related services not listed above.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Associates 8 46
Bachelors 6 27
Certificate 38 429
Doctorate 1 0
Masters 7 76

Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other

Any instructional program in public administration and services not listed above.

Degree Schools offering Degrees completed
Associates 22 42
Bachelors 20 176
Certificate 40 78
Doctorate 6 28
Masters 30 219